The Stages of Alcoholism Signs, Effects, and Treatment

This is because they only feel the negative effects of alcohol when they stop drinking. In early-stage alcoholism, the person maintains and may increase their alcohol use. Once detox is complete, alcoholics can begin tackling problematic behaviors related to their addiction and learn how to live sober again. Because alcoholism is a chronic disease and alcohol relapse is common, persistence is a necessity — but success is achievable.

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Can End-Stage Alcoholism Be Treated?

Alcohol, in fact, is the cause of more than 50 percent of liver-disease related deaths in this country, and alcohol-related liver disease costs more than $3 billion annually. Whether you realize it or not, you may start experiencing medical problems due to the excessive drinking. Alcoholism can cause hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, recurring respiratory infections, and pancreatitis. In severe cases, alcoholism can even cause heart failure or brain damage. There are factors that pop up again and again when determining who might have an issue with alcoholism. If you’re in the “at-risk” population, it doesn’t take much to become dependent on alcohol or other drugs.

final stages of alcoholism

Those in the end stage of alcoholism, or late or deteriorative stage, are consumed by their drinking. Years of chronic alcohol consumption have ravaged their body and mind, and their lives revolve around little else other than the bottle. End-stage alcoholism typically presents a number of health complications.

Stage #5: Addiction and alcoholism

Even though there are many health consequences an individual can face during the last stages of alcoholism, quitting drinking can alleviate many of the symptoms. However, a person should never try to quit drinking on their own during end stage alcoholism. Yes, it’s absolutely possible to overcome late-stage alcoholism, find and retain sobriety, and continue leading a healthy and thriving life. Most people in end-stage alcoholism will require a medically assisted detox to help manage severe and life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

final stages of alcoholism

While every person’s alcohol addiction is unique, alcohol affects people in similar ways. Most people with an alcohol use disorder progress through three typical stages. Lastly the final stage, known as the end-stage of alcohol abuse, is the 5 stages of alcoholism point where the alcoholic is experiencing very serious health and mental issues. Over time there is a progression of liver disease from hepatitis (inflammation) to fibrosis (hardening) and eventually to scarring of the tissue (cirrhosis).