Overcoming Common Fears of Going to Rehab

Those who really care will be pleased, relieved, and willing to stand with the victim during the challenges of addiction recovery. You have probably been closed off for so https://ecosoberhouse.com/boston-sober-house-roxbury/ long that you are understandably afraid to do, see, hear, and fail. You look at treatment as this big, mysterious black hole that you will fall into and never come out of.

Fears of a Sober Life

Recover from addiction at home with medication, community, and support—from the nonjudmental experts who really care. While life in recovery can be challenging, it is infinitely better than staying stuck in the alternative. Such fear is nothing to be ashamed of because it is natural. Our brains are hard-wired to become uncomfortable in the face of the unknown. Simply the anticipation of a potentially unpleasant or stressful circumstance causes the brain to go into flight or fight mode.

Refer a loved one

While you are in treatment, you will learn about accepting responsibility, and you will learn ways to ensure that you follow through on your commitments. Worried that they may be abandoned by the people they love or judged by others, some people refuse to admit that they have a drug problem or reach out to others for support. Yet without taking these steps, there can be no recovery. Whether you have one day sober or 10 years, recovery presents challenges. There are times when youll doubt yourself and get pushed outside of your comfort zone. There are times when you will fall short of a goal.

Those early days of sobriety may leave you feeling hopeless. Achieving true self-esteem requires going through the process of facing judgment, disappointment, and rejection. It requires having the courage to live authentically despite the potential consequences. Fear, particularly the fear of judgment, disappointing others, and rejection or abandonment, can deter us from pursuing our true passions. It can lead us to make choices that are not in line with our true selves simply to avoid the potential pain of rejection. In contrast to these fears, true self-esteem is when you care more about what you think of yourself than others.

Sky Brown: “Facing your fears is the best feeling ever”

Going from abusing drugs to living sober often involves major changes in your lifestyle. This can include moving in a new social circle, taking up new activities and leading a healthier lifestyle. Maybe you’re afraid you won’t be able to make new friends.

  • When your blood pressure becomes too high or too low, it can cause your body to go into shock.
  • Here are a few things you can do to make living a sober life easier.
  • If people press that response, I’ll either stare at them and hold an uncomfortable silence (this is enjoyable at some point), or just change the subject.
  • The following are some of the rational steps to take toward the beginning, and maintaining, a decision toward being sober.
  • Yet without taking these steps, there can be no recovery.
  • You’ll likely find people who have gone through similar struggles and can offer empathy and advice.

They can help you focus on the benefits and the steps that lead to sobriety and long-term healthy living. Almost everyone fears change, and the victim of substance addiction is no different. For an addict, the fear of losing their identity can be overwhelming. ” The victim fear of being sober must get help to remember who they were before substance abuse, and realize they have a chance to become someone totally new in sobriety. Recovery may seem like a dream in the distant future for some. But the truth is, long-term recovery is a reality for many.

Fears That Can Sabotage Recovery and How to Manage Them

In some cases, addiction can be linked to trauma or a co-occurring mental disorder, but it can also be used as a way to deal with stress or emotions. A drink of wine or a joint won’t make you feel better, so you have to get sober instead. Because they think they’ll hate it, many people don’t want to get clean. As someone who drinks or takes drugs, it’s not hard to see why the idea of living a sober life is difficult. When you get sober, many people don’t know that there are many ways that your life will be a million times better. Fear of what life will be like when all the mind-altering substances and parties stop is a common reason people don’t want to get clean.

It’s basically as if you got a new lease on life. Many people don’t get the opportunity to have such a vital second chance. To ensure that your second chance at life doesn’t go to waste, focus on self-improvement.